About WS

Welcome !

At Wadah Sejati, we are passionate about helping you to find the best solution for your CME challenge. Our goal is to be a leading company in providing quality engineering services by every measurement. With a team of dedicated professionals and a commitment to achieve results with the highest integrity while enhancing the customers and suppliers experience and associate success, we strive to satisfy our customers by giving quality products and excellence services everytime.

Our Guiding Principles

Our Vision

To be a leading company in providing engineering services by every measurement

Our Mission

To satisfy our customers by giving quality products and excellent services

Our Guiding Principle

To achieve results with the highest integrity while enhancing the customer and supplier experience and associate success

Our Values

We commit to these values to guide our decisions and our behaviors


  • We promote and support a diverse, yet unified team.
  • We work together to meet our common goals


We honor the rights and beliefs of our fellow associates, our customers, our shareholders, our partners, our suppliers, and our community. We treat others with the highest degree of dignity, equality and trust


We accept our individual and team responsibilities and we meet our commitments. We take responsibility for our performance
in all of our decisions and actions


We employ the highest ethical standards, demonstrating honesty and fairness in every action that we take


  • We are creative in delivering value to our fellow associates, customers, shareholders, partners, suppliers and community.
  • We anticipate change and capitalize on the many opportunities that arise.

Our Clients

We have to date, the trust of big and small business associates

Regional Offices


No 21 & 23, Jalan Musytari AP U5/AP,
Subang Impian Business Park, Section U5,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor

Telephone: +603 7840 0994
Email: info@wadahsejati.com



  • Pejabat Pendaftaran Syarikat Malaysia

  • Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia
    Akuan Pendaftaran Kontraktor Bumiputera

  • Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia
    Akuan Pendaftaran Kontraktor

  • Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK)
    Sijil Kontraktor Taraf Bumiputera

  • Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK)
    Sijil Pendaftaran

  • Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor Elektrik (PKK)
    Sijil Kontraktor Taraf Bumiputera

  • Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor Elektrik (PKK)
    Sijil Pendaftaran
  • Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia (CIDB)
  • Suruhanjaya Tenaga
  • Telekom Malaysia Berhad
  • Celcom Malaysia Berhad
  • International Islamic University Malaysia (UIAM)
  • Sirim Malaysia Berhad
  • Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association (MPIA)
  • Petronas
  • Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)
  • UEM Edgenta Berhad
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